Subeta Characters have Pets too?!

Yes you heard me right: Subeta Characters also known as NPC’s (Non-Player Characters), have their very own unique pets. Some I had never read about nor heard their name before. Some others like Jaxon Skelly who already have a number of pets have seen them grow from small minions to life size pets.

Check ’em out! Take a look at some of the Subetan Characters’ Pets*!

And yes I did say Subetan NOT Subetian!
Subeta is divided as to which spelling and pronounciation is the most grammaticaly correct.
See, my theory is that if no one had ever heard of Neopets and Neop-i-ans, it would have never crossed their mind to add some random i in the middle.

Neopia –> Neopians. All is good; sounds good too.
Subeta –> Subetans. Why on earth add an extra letter?! I see no “i” before the “a” in the name Subeta, do you?

We’ve actually debated this in my family. See how I’m the only one who plays but they all know everything about it?
So we tried to think of examples using country names and their habitants. Problem was that although there were countries who followed the rule above, there were some that didn’t. Exceptions to the rule or was there never a rule in the first place?

Now if you’re brave enough to go up and ask your English teacher about this, oh my gosh I’ll have to think of a prize I could give you.
Pixel, avatar, sP (Subeta Points), free hugs every day of the week for a whole week.. lol Now I’m making no promises here but I’ll think about it ‘k? Oh and the condition for a possible prize is that your teacher tells you the proper pronounciation is Subetan.

Right well that was a whole lot to read for nothing wasn’t it! Boring. Just go look at those pets will ya? Ty.

Oh and before I forget, meet the new shopkeepers* (and take a special look at Isobel *(^_^)* !)

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