New Domain Name

Attention: has had a domain name change and will now be called

During the change over it is likely that you will only have access to the front page and the guestbook.

Once the change is complete, remember to update links to!
And I will also change the links around the site as well as contact my affiliates and link exchanging sites amongts others.

If you wonder why I have chosen PausedLife, I hope to explain a bit more about it once the site has settled down. I’m very curious to know what are your first impressions though!

Before, the title of my site was it’s url,
Now I have a proper domain as well as a title for my website. Paused Life. That’s me. That’s my site.

So what are your thoughts?

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  1. congrats on getting a domain!!! i really like the name. it’s simple and unique and very nice. i’ll change your link asap.

    oh, and i’m back! haha! the trip was pretty good except for the 8 hour drive back in traffic x_x. anyways, how are you?

  2. Hi Joanna! I’m glad you like my new layout. And thank-you! <3 I like your new site name a lot. Your emoticons are too cute!

    Dover was very foggy the day I went but I really enjoyed it. I uploaded some pictures to my dA just the other day. 🙂 Your memory sounds very nice. ^^

  3. Thanks for the lovely story about Ginger- it made me smile 🙂 I have just discovered your site, and its got so much content I got into it for about 15 minutes…haha.. I will make sure to visit more often. xoxo

  4. Hi Joanna dear! Congrats on the new site! *cheers and claps* Pausedlife..I like the name. Simple yet unique, kinda describes my life at the current moment, LOL! Btw, thanx for downloading the fonts, have fun playing around with them ^^

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