27 November Website Updates

Plenty of Subeta.net updates here:
Several new pets and old pets respectively in the gallery* and the archives*, so remember to check those out and rate them too if you want. And you should notice a few new characters and shop keepers in the main gallery too. The Subeta Artists have been very busy!

Many new wigs for your Human Avatars!

Have you heard of Moroside, Fireside, or Luminaire? What on earth are these new Subetan events? Read the official stories behind each in the Subetapedia* directly on their website.

Graphics I’ve added to the site:
emotion icons
– a little notice board I pixelled some time ago, check out the banners page to see it
– some new favicons

Quick website featuring:
1. cutecreations.co.uk*
2. imagoime.altervista.org*
3. mushmallow.com*

I wanted to write a line or two about each but I never got round to it, sorry! And as this news post is already late, I’m posting it as is.

Some Quick Updates


Button by Kat New 32×32 link button gift by my affiliate Kat*!
I’ve added it to the Link Me page. (love)


I went through my backgrounds folder and found a load of old junk, so I’ve put up about 80 but I’ll be slowly sifting through them too over the next couple of weeks.
As for the coded graphics, as always, contact me if there are any problems. 🙂

And the Subeta Secret Avatars page is back up and located under Subeta > Games.