May’s pixel contest on TeaHouse MB has a very kawaii theme this month…
Please do continue to submit your entries, and check out those already there. 🙂 The deadline is May 27, just two days away now!

And I’ve just added a ton of new before/after minion images from Subeta, as it would seem the artists there are on a revamp roll, with hundreds of items being redrawn this month!

May is Lyme Disease & M.E. awareness month.
Don’t forget to read up about those two disabling conditions!

My Updates – photo edition!

What I’ve been up to lately, in photos!

I found this little guy on my window sill one cold wet evening. He was sheltering himself from the poring rain by hiding between my window and the shutters. Poor moth looked exhausted!

Then came my sister’s 30th birthday! So this is a photo of our sitting room, which I decorated with pink, purple, and white balloons. I also had a Tatty Teddy theme going on believe it or not, as she’d never had a themed birthday party before. 😛
Can you spot my dog, Ginger Biscuit, photo-bombing below? 😉

And this morning, I suddenly wanted to make some candles with the materials my sis had bought me for my birthday in January. I hadn’t been able to sleep all night and was restless, so I got up some time around 6am and prepared a space in the kitchen for it all. By the time I was done though, my mother was up and helped me figure out how to do it. (Yeah, hadn’t actually read a tutorial or anything before beginning this project…) In the end we chose to put the solid wad bricks in a plastic jug, and in the microwave, regularly checking on its progress.

Credits: gorgeous pixel photo frames by!