Filling Up The Nursery

I adopted some new one of a kind, special adoptions! 😀 Hi hi!

I adopted a total of three this week, and they include a diary by, a Lime Egg by, and a Star Catching Bunny by And they’re so cute!

Please please go take a look at them and say Aww! for me! You’ll find them in The Nursery. ^__^

Also this week, I bought myself an MP3 player! 😀 I had my eye on this one particular model for some time and after much thinking, finally bought it a couple of days ago. It arrived yesterday and it’s way smaller than I thought; I was expecting it to be bulky for some reason. Anyway, I love it. It does everything it’s supposed to do and it’s black and sleek and neat.

I chose the Creative Zen model, with a 32 GB flash based memory, and memory card slot.

Creative Zen 32 GB


Untitled by lack of inspiration

My house had two new neighbours join it’s road down Pocket Town Street!

There were so many updates made to the Subeta section, I just can’t possibly list them all here. So you’ll need to check out that section and browse a bit. Any suggestions for improvements are always welcome! I next plan to put up the last of Costume Trunks I haven’t uploaded yet, and then attack the Ian Asmodeus combos section. -_-;

By the way Vi’s dragons could do with some love. 😉 (middle link button on the left, in the sidebar)

Oh and um… I bought a Pullip. OoO

My Casio Exilim EX-Z100

Pink Casio Exilim EX-Z100 She is so light! I was expecting one of the older bulky models. It also fits perfectly in my hand. You see, I have small thumbs..
Try aligning your thumb against your index. Does your thumb meet the knuckle? How about I tell you that my thumbs only come half way? lol So this camera is perfect for me. My thumbs can reach the buttons!! XD I’m gonna have to post a photo of my hand now aren’t I! We could start a new trend/meme thingy: Post your hand or thumb+index! OK well I admit that title is pretty cheesy but it can be worked on. 😛

He he OK here’s a photo of my left hand (click thumbnail for full size).
I want to see your thumbs now! x]

Oh and she needs a name. My Casio digital camera that is. Any suggestions?
I was thinking of Sophie perhaps or Camille, Pink-o-genic (photogenic), Pink-o-Photo…
My pink Ipod is called Piggypod. Piggycam?